Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NATURE'S SPECTACULAR BEAUTY...and a missile site

This past weekend was a beautiful weekend in Los Angeles.  A beautiful January weekend in Los Angeles usually means no fog, little smog.

The mountains are usually my church of choice.  I find spirit and beauty in the mountains, and, in turn, they tolerate my sadness, are open to my joy, have patience with my contemplations... and....provide my butt with just a little bit more tone.  Consequently, I feel rejuvenated, refreshed and re-worked by the time I finish my commune with Mother Nature.  And this past weekend, it was much needed.

I planned a hike for early Sunday morning, a morning of sleeping in for the family.  On Saturday I checked the weather report.  One can usually rely on the weather reports for Los Angeles.  The weather report most likely is usually states "Sunny."  "Sunny with clouds, 10% chance of precipitation,"  "Sunny with winds at 12 mph,"  "Sunny with thunderstorms in the early evening,"  "Sunny with early morning flood warnings,"....."Sunny with wine!"  I looked.  "Sunny."  Amen!

Most often, I enjoy hiking solo, however, this time I was looking forward to some companion hiking; a little catching up with friends and maybe a little asking of advice...maybe a little giving.  So I arranged myself a hike with NaK and Mo, two of my good girlfriends.  I can always count on good conversation...NaK always offering sensibility and wisdom and Mo adding a philosophical view with an open spirit.

Hike Decision:  Santa Monica Mountains, at Hayvenhurst, Encino

Mo presented us with a choice of hikes.  To my surprise there was more than one.  I hadn't explored any other hikes at that location except for the one to the left of the dirt road.  I wasn't even aware of any other hikes at that location except for the one to the left of the dirt road.  But there are two...probably more, but the one we decided to explore was the hike to the right of the dirt road. The NIKE Missile Launch Site hike.  The ferocity of man amidst the beauty of nature. Creepy, but provocative.  We had to explore!

After dodging crevasses and negotiating bumps, NaK got us safely to the upper parking lot...and without injury to her car.   Above the parking stood the NIKE Missile Launch Site in all its glory...well, infamous glory.  This is one of many missiles launch sites in Los Angeles that were raised in the 1950s.  NIKE missiles were housed at this site.  NIKE, named after the Goddess of Victory.  I know.  I googled that.  No runners involved. 

We climbed up to the site and were disturbed yet amused that there was a missile site amongst the wilderness.  After coming to terms that this was a piece of our history, we could only joke, as our defense, to the obvious violence it portrays for us.  "Let's picnic at the Missile Site."  "He proposed at The Missile Site."  "After I die, spread my ashes over the Missile Site."

I then took myself up on my own personal dare.  I climbed that damn tower.   I'm afraid of heights... but if I could climb St. Paul's Cathedral without vomiting (had no choice...and with many terrifying moments), then I could make it up to that missile site's observation deck.  As I climbed up those stairs all I could see was death by splatter.  I sucked it up, climbed the stairs, and walked cautiously until I reached the middle of the deck.  Not so bad!  This January day was a gorgeous day at the NIKE Missile Launch Site.

Done with the on with the hike.  Ahead of us were miles and miles of Santa Monica Mountain-land.  We hiked and chatted... and chatted... and chatted and hiked, not giving notice to our surroundings...I'm embarrassed to say.   As we were plenty distracted by catching up, Biker Guy rode by,  "ladies, rattlesnake up the road."  He rode off.  NaK shrieked.  Mo took a karate chop stance.  I was just like...Hummmmph! "Ladies??!"  After letting the "I'm not a lady yet" ego thing go, I offered to go check out that snake.  I was curious.  I had never seen a rattlesnake in the wild before. 

Crap!  We missed it.  By the time I got to where the-shady-trail-opens-up-to-the-sun-after-the-curve-to-the-right-after-the-curve-to-the left, it was gone....slithered down the mountain, according to a passerby.  I called to the girls that all was okay.  Mo's got a nice reassuring way...she convinced NaK to forge ahead.

Needless to say, our senses had been awakened.  Probably more by NaK's shriek than by the snake down the way.  Much time had passed....we were thinking of going back, though, not before we check out the view.  Fortunately, up ahead we spot a peak we thought perfectly appropriate to check it out. 

We climbed up.  We stood.

The view was exquisite!  We stood there in awe.  In awe of the landscape.  In awe of the beauty.  In awe of the place we call home.  From that single spot, we witnessed waves crashing on the sand...Catalina in its entirety...snow-capped mountains serving as a backdrop to the city's skyscrapers and the landmarks of our urban community.  We each acknowledged our gratitude for where we reside and stood in silence, as if in prayer.  Heaven!

Our mouths moved less on our return to the car.  Maybe because NaK was detoxing from her adrenaline rush...or maybe because Mo had nothing more to say...or maybe because my blood sugar was dropping at a rapid rate.  But, most likely, because each of us couldn't help but ponder what we shared.  Each other's company.  The appreciation of the day.  The appreciation of our city.  Nature's spectacular beauty .....and a missile site.

Ciao for now!


  1. Louise & I saw a rattlesnake on that same hike a few years ago. It was stretched out, crossing the road. We couldn't tell if it was alive or dead, so we didn't want to walk over it. So we decided to throw a rock at it. Well, we both "throw like girls." It took about 5 rocks before we even got CLOSE to it! It was pretty funny. Finally we got a rock to land near it, and it zipped off so fast! Those things can move!

  2. Natalie...that's hysterical! That was this hike, huh? yiikes!!!!
